Man walks around he site of Cerro Quemado.

Archaeologists in Peru identified one of the oldest megalithic structures in the Americas

A circular stone plaza is one of the earliest known megalithic structures in the Americas, archaeologists have revealed.


Located at the archaeological site of Callacpuma, 550 km north of Lima, the plaza was built around 4,750 years ago and may have had a ceremonial function.

The Art Newspaper

March 4, 2024

©  Jason Toohey

"I was quite surprised when we identified this circular megalithic plaza," says Jason Toohey, an anthropological archaeolgist at the University of Wyoming and co-director of the Callacpuma Archaeological Project.


"Although other circular plazas had been found in other areas of the Peruvian coast and highlands, none had been identified in this region of Peru. And the megalithic construction technique used to build the Callacpuma plaza was unlike any of the other circular plazas of the time."

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