Man walks around he site of Cerro Quemado.

Displaced Yemenis use empty museums and theatres as shelters

Continued fighting against Al Qaeda in the southern regions has left thousands without homes.


Thousands of displaced people in Yemen’s Abyan Governorate are using museums, theatres and schools as temporary housing, according to the Yemen Times


Many of their homes have been destroyed as a result of continued fighting between the country’s military and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is attempting to

The Art Newspaper

March 19, 2015

© Yemen Times

establish an “emirate” in the region. Among the cultural institutions being used as a shelter is Zinjibar Museum, the province’s main museum. Looted twice in 2012, and virtually empty of artefacts since then, today it houses around 60 people, who share the museum’s 15 rooms and its second-floor toilet.

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