Man walks around he site of Cerro Quemado.

Fascinated by the Voynich Manuscript? Here are some other mysterious texts you can decode

If bodice-rippers are too boring for your summer reading, take a crack at these other books that have stumped researchers.


Held in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, the Voynich Manuscript is often said to be one of the world’s most mysterious books. Filled with unreadable words in an invented script, and illustrated with plants,

The Art Newspaper

July 21, 2021

© Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

fantastic creatures, astronomical symbols and nude bathing women, it has intrigued researchers intent on unlocking its secrets for generations. Was the book created by Leonardo Da Vinci, who was known to write in a mirror code? Does it show plants from Mexico? Is it simply gibberish? All of these theories are unlikely, yet all three—and many more—have been argued over for years as people seek to crack the Voynich’s code.

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