Man walks around he site of Cerro Quemado.

Stone-age Italians defleshed their dead

About 7000 years ago in Italy, early farmers practiced an unusual burial ritual known as “defleshing.” 


When people died, villagers stripped their bones bare, pulled them apart, and mingled them with animal remains in a nearby cave. 


The practice was meant to separate the dead from the living, researchers say, writing in the latest issue of the journal Antiquity.


“[Defleshing] is something which occurs in burial rites around the world but hasn't been known for prehistoric Europe yet," says John Robb, an archaeologist at the University of


Science Magazine

March 27, 2015


 Cambridge in the United Kingdom and leader of the research project.  Robb and his team examined the scattered bones of at least 22 Neolithic humans—many children—who died between 7200 and 7500 years ago. Their remains were buried in Scaloria Cave, a stalactite-filled grotto in the Tavoliere region of southeastern Italy, where Robb says that they provide the "first well-documented case for early farmers in Europe of people trying to actively deflesh the dead."

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