Man walks around he site of Cerro Quemado.

Eternal fame: the world of the Kushite pharaohs

Six kings stand before me, each adorned with gold and stepping forward with a powerful stride. 


Perhaps I should bow? Kneel? Run? They have calm expressions, but you never know what’s going on in a pharaoh’s head (never mind a group of them). 


Two of them wear the double crown, which signifies a ruler of northern and southern Egypt. Another is draped with a gold leopard skin, ritual clothing often worn by Egyptian funerary priests. One has large ram horns, a symbol of control over the

Apollo Magazine

May 30, 2022

© Musée du Louvre, dist. RMN - Grand Palais/Christian Décamps

Nile flood. Each sports elaborate earrings and most have golden eyes. Ranging in size and captured in stone, these pharaohs are so perfect, so untouched by time, that they could have been made yesterday – surprisingly, because they were

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