Man walks around he site of Cerro Quemado.

Ancient tomb raider murder mystery discovered in China

Archaeologists find body of young Chinese man stabbed to death and dumped in a robbers' tunnel 1300 years ago.


Archaeologists have revealed a 1300-year-old Chinese murder mystery in a tomb raiders' shaft.


While excavating the tomb at Shiyanzi cemetery, in China’s north-central Ningxia region, the team discovered the skeleton of a young man riddled with stab wounds.


The man, who the team estimate was around 25-years-old, was thought to have been still alive when he was thrown into the tomb raiders' shaft and left to die.

The Art Newspaper

October 28, 2021

© Qian Wang

The archeologists think the murder took place at some point between AD 640 and 680.

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